Beauty need not be a pain

Hair and Beauty Shouldn’t Be a Pain

Beauty need not be a pain

Feel good at work

Many of us are very focussed on our job and our clients.  We love to get the best results doing what we love for those who appreciate it.  Sometimes we love it so much, we compromise our own health and wellbeing to do it, whether it be staying late for a deadline or putting our bodies in awkward positions to perform a task.  After 16 years of helping people in the Hair and Beauty Industry, I have helped many people deal with the health problems that come from their dedication, hard work and sometimes because they don’t know there is another way.

That’s why I’ve made this video.  A good friend of mine, Cindy Chan, requested that I create this one for herself and her friends and colleagues in the industry.   Whether or not you work in the industry, there are some take-homes tips, techniques and strategies for you to use to help you stay healthy and injury free at work.

If you want to check out Cindy’s work, click here.

If you want to contact me, click  here.  I always welcome more suggestions for my videos.