custom made orthotics sydney

Orthotics for a strong foundation


For different feet and different shoes

Sydney Orthotics – Custom Made

At Ryde Chiropractic, we understand that skilled hands on care and an exercise program can provide great results, and at the same time, sometimes more is required.  Custom-made orthotics are one of the devices we can prescribe that may help you recover faster and have you feeling great for longer.

What are orthotics?

Orthotics are special shoe inserts that Dr Anthony (Chiropractor) at Ryde Chiropractic can prescribe to you, custom-made.  These devices do not just support your foot posture and arches, but can help the function right up your leg and back. That is why they are often used for treating foot, knee, leg or back problems.

Some reasons that people consider orthotics are for:

  • maximising comfort
  • reducing the risk of further injuries
  • increasing performance and function
  • reducing symptoms in the feet, legs or back.
  • helping with foot deformities.

Orthotics Video

At Ryde Chiropractic, we have partnered with a state of the art orthotics lab to bring you custom-made orthotics. These can be very effective in helping to correct your foot posture, helping with problems like plantar fasciitis, heel pain, bunions, ankle, knee hip and back pain.

What conditions are orthotics used for?

  • Back, leg, knee, ankle or foot pain – a problem in your foot posture can negatively change how other joints, muscles and ligaments function further up the chain.
  • Arthritis – incorrect foot posture and positioning can cause more stress on the joints in your feet and other joints.
  • Flat feet – a very common problem that can cause pain in your feet, ankles, knees and back.  Orthotics can help to support your feet
  • High arches – like flat feet, this can contribute to problems in the feet and legs such as shin splints and plantar fasciitis
  • Plantar Fasciitis – pain in the sole or heel of your feet from unwanted strain.  Orthotics are commonly used to help this problem.
  • Bunions – this bump on the base of your big toe can be sore and unsightly.  Specialised orthotics can help to lessen the strain through the joint and allow for better support.
  • Heel spurs – this bony spurs extending  from your heel can cause pain and inflammation.
  • Hammer toes – usually on your second or third toe, these claw link toes can be stiff and sore.
  • Diabetic feet – some people with advanced diabetes can lose sensation in their feet which might lead to ulcers, sores and deformity.  In these cases we may refer you to a GP or podiatrist for further treatment and assessment.

Do I need orthotics?

Many people benefit from orthotics, though not everyone needs them.  That is why as part of your Initial Consultation at Ryde Chiropractic, Dr Anthony (Chiropractor) will screen your feet as part of a more comprehensive examination to see what your body needs to recover and be your best.

What’s the difference between these orthotics and what you can buy at the chemist?


3D scan for custom-made orthotics

The orthotics provided and fitted to you at Ryde Chiropractic are not off the shelf supports.  They are customised or custom- made to your needs, taking into account your weight, size, foot posture, your examination findings and what you will use them for and what shoes they will be used in.  Depending on the orthotic you need, Dr Anthony may use 3D scanning technology to get the precise shape and size of your feet to maximise comfort and utility.

In some cases, an off the shelf device may be enough and if we think that’s the case for you, that is what we will recommend.

How a chiropractor can diagnose and help you with your problems

The first step is to discover where the source of your problem is. It may not be in the joint where you have the pain and other areas may be involved. For example, many people who can benefit from orthotics do not have foot pain.  Other times, pain or problems in the feet can come from the back.   Once we have found the source of your problem and we think we can help, we begin a regime of care.

In our office, we have found that a combination of skilled hands on care, an effective exercise program and lifestyle advice has helped many patients experiencing these problems.  Hands on chiropractic care can improve movement and mobility, ease muscle spasm, and increase function.  In some cases, a custom orthotics may improve results further.

The goal of the exercise is to increase flexibility, strength and stability to help achieve a complete recovery and help maintain it for the future. The lifestyle advice will be tailor made for your situation which may include advice about posture, shoes, movement patterns and more.  Prescription devices such as the orthotics we have been discussing, can support and enhance the results of the hands-on care and exercises.

If necessary, we will work with other health professionals or refer you to them to achieve the best outcome for you.

Orthotics Sydney – Get in Touch

Get in touch with us today, we want to hear from you! Ryde Chiropractic: 3/455 Blaxland Rd, Denistone East NSW 2112